Walking in the Light – Part 5
God is light. This means that God is pure. From a moral standpoint light stands for purity. Darkness symbolises sin and evil deeds. Jesus said in John 3:20, for every one that does evil and wicked things hates the light, and does not come to the light, so that, his deeds will not be exposed.
In Proverbs 2:13, we read, of the evil man who leaves the path of uprightness to walk in the way of darkness. Again, we read in Proverbs 4:18, but the path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of the day. We are clearly told that God is Light. This does not say that God is a light, or that God gives forth a light, but that God is light. To have fellowship with Him, we must walk in the Light.
Darkness represents the secret sins men commit in dark places. The Lord took Prophet Ezekiel into the minds of the leaders of the nation of Israel, he showed him how polluted they were in their dark rooms, filled with idols and they say, the Lord does not see us (Ezekiel 8:12). There is no darkness at all in God.
Light and darkness are mutually exclusive. You either walk in the light, or you walk in darkness. Paul asked: “What fellowship has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14). When a person is saved, he or she comes out of darkness and into God’s light. The singer many years ago sang: “I saw the light, I saw the light, no more darkness, no more night. Now I’m so happy, no sorrow in sight. Praise the Lord, I saw the light.”
Paul said that God has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son (Colossians 1:13). How wonderful to be delivered out of the pit of darkness and into the light.
Paul reveals in 1 John 1:6, that a person who says that he has been delivered from darkness and yet does not walk in the light is a liar. Once you are saved, you have entered into a new world. If you go back to do the things of the old world that formally occupied you, you are out of fellowship with God.
You are fraternising with the devil and you are walking on cursed ground. You cannot hold the hand of the world and walk in fellowship with God at the same time. If we talk the talk, we must walk the walk.
You don’t say one thing and do another. Mathew 7:21 says that not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will not enter into the kingdom of Heaven. Light and dark cannot exist together. We cannot win our world by having fellowship with the world. We must walk in the light. The world hates the light.
Look at what the world did to the Light of the World when He came.
The light represents God’s character of holiness. Walking in the light means walking as Christ walked while here on earth — seeking to imitate His life style in all that we do. When we walk in the light, our paths become illuminated and purposeful.
As we strive to live by the truth of Christ, we will be a light unto the world, as Jesus told us to be. There are two paths to walk — darkness and light. And only one leads to God.
• Today’s nugget: Light represents God’s character of holiness. Prayer: Lord help us to walk as children of light. Prayer lines: 08033299824.
E-mail: amadiabelukachi@gmail.com. Rev. (Dr.) Abel Ukachi Amadi
General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria