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The True mark of God’s Children (part 1)

The True mark of God’s Children (part 1)

Every child of God should be known or identified by a mark. From my years of experience in the heavenly race as a child of God and from my interactions and relationships with some children of God, I have come to know that there is a mark with which children of God are supposed to be known. However, many believers find it very difficult to identify with it. The truth must be told! This true mark that many Christians struggle with is forgiveness and letting go.

As children of God, we may find it easy to preach, teach, sing, pray, pay tithes, and give offerings, but most times we find it very hard to let go of offenses and forgive one another. The Bible said it is by this true mark you will be called the son of God (Matthew 5:45).

I was worried that the Bible does not recognize one as a son/daughter of God when he or she donates money for the church building, read the Bible, pray daily and even go out for evangelism. One of the most difficult verses in the Bible is Matthew 5:44 and which says you should love your enemy, do good to them that hate you, pray for those who despitefully use you or mistreats you, bless those that curse you, and forgive those who accuse you falsely.

The Bible said it is when you have done these things that you will be known as a son of God. Forgiveness is a character of God and it is when you forgive that you are identified as a true child of God. Loving your enemies and praying for those who persecute you will never be easy, but God has commanded every child of God to do so and it is by doing so, you will be called a son of God.

The Bible said in Mathew 5:45 that God makes the sun shine on evil people and causes rain to fall on the wicked. I tried to ask myself why would God still go on to cause the sun to shine on the evil ones and let the rainfall on the wicked people after doing evil and wicked things. Evil people are deeply and greatly wicked; they kill little children who are innocent. In 1996, the story of a small boy who was killed in one of the states in the country made headline news.

The small boy who hawked wares in the street was lured into a hotel and his head was cut off. When his head was discovered and displayed on television, people shed deep tears. I said to myself, this small boy may have asked his killer, “Uncle why to do this to me?” But the evil man went ahead to kill him.

The Bible says God gives His sunlight to rise on the evil and send rain on the unjust. Does God not see all these evil wicked people do and continue to be kind to them? They enjoy sunlight and every other good thing in life. That is why He is God; He is a loving Father and His love cannot be compared in any in spite of their evil deeds. God is showing us an example of how to love and forgive people, in spite of their wrongdoings against us, and by doing this, we will be called the children of God.

• Today’s Nugget: Forgiveness is a God’s character. Prayer: Lord help to forgive my offenders.

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